Year One of the "False" Prophet Lemonade.Stevenson Larkin, scribe 18B.Book of thoughts.
Whoever this masked person is, that emerged from the burning train, it be no Prophet. Pah!My Brothers and Sisters are so gullible.
Did they bother to check this Prophet's references? Nay!They've accepted a Prophet that just fell onto their heads!
For my disbelief in the Prophet, I've been tasked to clean up the wreckage of the burning train. I've been doing it very, very slowly as a sign of protest for I see this new age of the True Prophet for what it really is- a fraudulent time of a Tyrant!
Today I also heard a noise coming from the train that sounded like yells for help. I ignored them. I've had enough of false Prophets emerging miraculously from train wreckages.
Cold wind and white flakes creep in from the hole in the ceiling of the grand chamber. Many are complaining of the cold. I climbed the rubble and peered out. So much white. The white blinds me, the cold burns something fierce.
The Vending cabinet had promised me things that exist not. There is no magical, beautiful paradise of Eureka out there. Surely, nothing can survive such foul white-cold. The white-cold must have had eaten Eureka long ago. All I saw are distant... ice-covered ruins.
I no longer know what to believe. At least the Vending still gifts us crunchy bars, whenever I ask her for such.
I seems to have been offered the position of Food-Bringer by my Brethren for my knowledge of where to obtain food. I am no longer sure if I should share the secret of the Vending with my brethren as I wanted to. What if they break the Vending? Who will feed us? The masked prophet from the white-cold? All the Prophet does is demand things from us.
Well, the Prophet did give us a few "salty snacks", but since I am most suspicious of the Prophet's reasons to be here... I am sticking to the Crunchy Bars.
We've sealed off the great chamber with the broken train, for the cold there had become awfully unpleasant once the train had stopped burning.