For lunch I ate a purple egg with pink dots. It tasted like apple seeds, business and pressurized surrpizes.
The egg was located in a tiny frozen blue puddle. Once I've had my way with it, a giant mosquito attacked my face. "Go away, mr mosquito!" I swattered at it "I have no more cupcakes left for you!"
The mosquito said "Buzzzzi-buzz" and clawed at me with its 28 pincers.
I've surmized it with my suitcase. It was a messy one, but did make for a healthy balanced breakfast of proteins and nitrogens.
Covered with mosquito goos I kept on walking until I found a friendly voice-activated rusty tap.
"Can I have some water Mr. Tap?" I asked it. "I really need to wash off this mosquito off me!"
The tap chose not to correspond back.I threatened to bend it into a salty pretzel.
"Forceful water extraction is illegal by order of the Good Directorate!" the tank shouted, having caught up to me.
"You must be mistaken good madam, I am not blackmailing nor squeezing taps. I am a mere mosquito. Buzz buzz!" I flapped my arms and slowly creeaped backwards into a very deep shadow.
The tank stared at me with its 3 recorders, trying to decide whether I am factual mosquito or an aunothorized perp that is merely wearing a mosquito's head over my face.
"BuzZ buZz I am but a friendly bee!" I rummaged, escalating aways while wiggling my backside bee-style.
"Pollination is a copyrighted activity. Cease that at once!" the tank postulated, opening fire.
I scrambled my eggs and fell backwards into a crevice.
"Come out of there!" the tank regulated.
"Nu hunnn!" I replied.
"You cannot hide from the law!" she scotted me.
"Yes I can!" I puffed back.
"Requesting backup. Subject is resisting. All units in sector 34-49-91. Assistance needed."
I clawed deeper into the crevice, shattering an old pipe and rendered sideways and downwards.
The pipe deposited me in a craummy, smallish room full of tapes.
I decided to wait out the tank's authoritative rules in the auditory room and while she and her friends dug and rollered somewhere overhead, sprinkling dust onto me, I learned things of interest from the tapes.
One such tale of interest was about a man trapped in a single day for ten thousand years in winter until he could discover and conquer true love. I liked it very much and decided to learn ice sculpting from him, for I was also trapped for 10 thousand seconds in the audiobale room.
Cramming my favourite tape-stories into my suitcase, I rounded up my courage and slithered upwards the pipe.
The tanks were diluting, with none of their webcams focused my way proper.
I clambered towards an ice-wall and ice-sculpted a similacrumb of my-self and then pranced off into a shadow.
The tanks surrounded it, sniffing it for a whiles and then started to demand answers (which the simulacrum could not provide, being made of ice).
While my ice-portrait distracted thems with tales of yester-winters, I made my way back to the rails (with a hoggy song in my grounded heart).
On exactly the 382048th rail,
The animal trail of the train-beast ended at a brokeny, bendy-down bridge.
It must have lept off it somehwheres.No wonders my eye was pointing upwardses!
I was avidly saddened by this unexpected development and decided that it is time to mail this letter and drop it into the wind with a mighty wish that the most fluffiest of owls carries it to you.
Like you always says to me, wishing will make it so, so here's to a steady delivery!
Hoping you (but not Snippy) are having exciting days as well,
With obligatory praizes of your excellence,Your dearest follower,