General POV

"Damn it Saklas.. just what do you see in this brat anyway." The entity muttered as he watched Exedra fall to the ground.

He could admit that while Exedra had potential as a warrior, it was not anything worth breaking the transcendental laws for.

Good warriors were everywhere in this world so why the hell did he go so far to find this particular soul?

As he watched Exedra close his eyes while kneeling in the dirt he scoffed even further. 'His will is weaker than I'd thought. Sad you did all of this for it to bear no fruit.'

He raised his hand to snap his fingers and dispel all of his soldiers when an ominous aura started to flow from Exedra's body.

Slowly his wings cracked and twisted as they began to change shape and became longer with pitch black feathers.


His blood red hair darkened even further and grew until long silky black hair was touching the floor.

His tattoos began to glow with a red light across his entire body and added to the pressure of his new already overwhelming aura.

He opened his twin colored eyes and the entity was immediately taken aback.

His eye that was formerly red, was now a deep pitch black.

Upon taking a closer look at the man's face the entiy frowned deeply. 'He's definitely that whore's grandchild.' Even he a god level being was not immune to the charm of Exedra in this transformation.

He was created from two species who were widely regarded as the most beautiful in several realms so naturally he was enchantingly handsome.


The entity made a silent bow to keep this man away from his harem and his daughters.

When Exedra's eyes opened, his aura that had been overflowing before, was quickly retracted and honed to a fine point.

Outwardly he appeared to be deadly calm yet his killing intent had evolved to such a level that it could not be sensed by anyone who wasn't stage three at least.

Naturally, the entity could feel it.

His killing intent was like a precisely honed knife that could slice with ease.

Exedra looked around at the soldiers and stared blankly.

The entity even wondered if his transformation was just for show and he was going to give up after all.

Exedra pulled a spear with a serrated tip from his ring before he began to move.

Instead of waiting for the soldiers to come to him, he instead pushed off the ground at a speed incomparable to before and thrust his spear into the chest of one of the werewolves.

BOOMWith a single thrust he blew a giant hole in the beast and before it could even fall over he was on to the next opponent.

Exedra swung his blade with a new ferocity, he felled enemy after enemy with such ease it was unthinkable that these enemies had given him so much trouble before.

He swung his spear in a methodical and yet elegant manner.

Every blow dealt against a wolf promised death and Exedra was so in tuned with his weapon it was as if it was an extension of his own body.

'Boring… so boring.'

Even though he was in the middle of fierce combat, Exedra's bored expression never left his face.

He didn't even need to use magic to win this fight anymore he was relying on his weapon skills alone.


After the final werewolf had its head separated from the rest of its body, Exedra turned to face the entity that watched the entire spectacle with great interest.

For a being like him, he could see that Exedra's power hadn't just grown, his mental state seemed to have changed as well.

It was as if he was a different person now.

'How is it possible for him to have such a dramatic change?..' the entity wondered but then shook it out of his head quickly.

He'd seen stranger things in his millennia long existence after all.

As he was about to snap his fingers to summon the eighth wave, the voice of Exedra interrupted him. "I'm getting bored."

"I want to hurry up and go home." He elegantly twirled his spear in his hand before he pointed it at the entity whose name he still didn't know. "Send all the remaining waves at once."

If the entity's face could be seen, a malicious smile would be displayed across his face. "Boy…do you know what it means to point your blade at a god?"

Without a change in his expression or posture, Exedra said in a cold voice, "Show me."

"Heh." The entity let out an unamused chuckle before he clapped his hands and the arena began to fill up.

Instead of simple warriors made of ice, beings of flesh and blood began to materialize from thin air.

Frost giants, ice wolves, yetis, chenoo and even yuki-ona, all creatures of ice and snow rapidly filled up the arena and faced Exedra with menacing glares.

This sight that would've forced ordinary warriors to cry out in despair was only enough to put a small smile on Exedra's face. "This looks a bit more entertaining."

Exedra placed his spear back inside his ring and took a deep breath.

For a horde of over 100 monsters like this, magic was more than ideal for crowd control.

With a loud roar, the yeti, chenoo, and ice giants all rushed Exedra simultaneously.Though that was exactly as he was counting on.

"Abyssal chains."

At Exedra's command, instead of the chains coming out of his outstretched palm, all of the shadows of the beasts rushing towards him suddenly released tendrils of pitch back chains covered in red miasma.

The chains thoroughly entrapped their victims and brought them to the ground.

The shadows the chains were connected to then all began to melt into one before they made a beeline directly for Exedra.

When Exedra's shadow connected with the merged shadows of his attackers, he fought the urge to release the grunt of pleasure that threatened to leap out of his throat.

The feeling of growing strong through feeding on others was terribly euphoric.

Originally, he wasn't sure this would work.

Just because his enemies looked more alive than before, didn't mean they actually were.

His spell only worked on living targets and if this hadn't worked he would've needlessly left himself open.

Though, with his newly enhanced speed and endurance they still wouldn't have been able to kill him.

"What a nasty spell you have there… I've never seen anything like it." The entity muttered.

Exedra naturally couldn't hear him as he was much too immersed in his rapidly increasing stats.

< Strength + 200

< Endurance + 110

< Health + 170action

< Strength +140

< Health + 130


As numerous notifications flashed across Exedra's eyes, the other monsters finally made their move.

The yuki-ona were the first to launch their attack and sent volleys of ice magic towards the young dragon who was still in a trance.

Huge spears of ice shot towards Exedra at a rapid speed and prepared to pierce his body.


The sounds of the spears breaking against Exedra's scales filled the arena.

He didn't even need to conjure a shield to protect himself, with his newly risen stats and buff from his transformation, magic like this was no longer enough to even scratch him.

As the volleys of ice fell harmlessly to the ground, Exedra finally regained focus and locked his eyes onto the hordes of monsters looking at him with horror in their eyes.

"Lightning bane."

At Exedra's command, his entire body was enveloped in lightning and the air around him began to crackle with intensity.
