Chapter 270   - Two Hundred And Seventy: Kidnap A Pup

Daniel tried to believe in his mate but there was still that disturbing gnaw deep in his heart - coming from Iyke. Both of their wolves had bonded in a way that made it hard to be separated from one another. He just hoped this connection was enough to make Lia stay by his side- as selfish as that sounds.

"Well, fine, if you say. But if Lolli doesn't return from her 'break' by this time tomorrow, I'm doing something about it," he said to her.

"Deal," Lia kissed him once more, almost losing herself in the process if she hadn't pulled away on time.

Daniel followed her quick movement with a slight frown, "What are you doing?"

"I need to go," Lia told him, finding and picking up her bra from where he had tossed it.

"Go where?"


"Home," she sat beside him, sweeping her hair to the side, "Help me with my hook, please"

"Spend more time with me, please" he pleaded while fastening the hook and eye of the bra.

"We would have a great time together," Daniel said, nibbling her neck while the other caressed her bare stomach, hinting her of the fun to come if she agrees to stay.

Lia released a sharp breath, her body tingling from the sensation,

"I wish I could," she said, yet her head lulled back and gave him further access to her neck.

Daniel gulped, his eyes focused on the spot between her neck and shoulder, where he could easily lean down and bite down; taking her blood as she takes his, and then they mate, marking her as his forever.


His breath thickened, eyes switching endlessly between yellow and blue color as the temptation began to overpower him.

"But I need to go back to my mother," Lia continued to speak with her back turned to him, oblivious of the internal war Daniel was battling.

Daniel breathed down on her neck, taking in her addictive scent, his unsure orbs finally settling on yellow.

"Daniel, that tickles," she laughed.

Lia tried to stand to put on her shirt and leave but she was drawn back to her sitting position.

"Daniel, I need to go," She threw her head back on his chest, relaxing against him with a sigh. Not knowing that she was prey right now.

He kissed her fair neck as if approving of that spot as his target.

Lia felt shivers run through her whole body. Alright, that spot was a tad bit more sensitive than the other places and he had to stop before she lost control of herself.

So she turned around to stop him only to meet his yellow eyes and elongated dentition.


No response, just his intense orbs holding her gaze.


There was a low rumble from his throat.

That was definitely him.

Lia gulped, Iyke wouldn't hurt her but it wasn't a good thing letting the wolf take control - their understanding wasn't just on the same scale with humans.

She tried to lean back but his hands clasped around her shoulder, keeping her from moving while he kept lowering his head in the crook of her neck. She didn't like this one bit.

Lia had heard that was the spot they did the marking and stuff and wasn't ready for that. She was not going to encourage a war between both mates.

"Daniel, get a grip of yourself, now!" She spoke telepathically to him through the bond.

To her relief, it worked.

"My God," Daniel gasped, recovering himself.

"I need to go," Lia got off him in a haste, picking up her shirt from where she had dropped it and put it on.

"Hey, I'm sorry" Daniel grabbed her wrist, an apologetic look on his face.

"No, it's not your fault, it's mine" she smiled wryly.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked.

"I'm supposed to have chosen a mate already but I keep delaying it and the bond keeps growing and now, you can't control yourself around me. The most painful thing about it is that I know you both are hurting inside but I keep on delaying it, I'm so selfish and -"

"Hey, it's okay." He touched his chest, "I am not complaining about it"

"Yeah, I know," she nodded, "Which makes me feel all the worse," was her confession.

"Hey, go home and get a good rest. Trust me, you'd feel better when you awake" he said to her, placing a peck on her forehead.

"Alright, thank you," she hugged him carefully and briefly - wouldn't

want to relive that incident from minutes ago, again.

"See you later," Lia waved at him, opening the door to see Judith and her entourage outside, they must have been waiting for her to leave. She went red in the face, wondering how long they had been there and how much they had heard.

"A-hem," she cleared her throat awkwardly, "Have a nice day,"? Lia heard this one added on a low-key, "Luna,"

This made her glance back at Judith who went in with a pleased smirk.

"Well," Lia accepted it with good faith, leaving the hospital and made it outside only to hear someone scream her name.

"Lia, help me!"

Surprised, she turned around only to see Ben being chased by a herd of werewolf pups. What in the name of God.

Ben reached her and took cover at her back while Lia crouched and roared at the pups who scampered away at once - thank you, Daniel.

"You can get off me now " She shook off Ben who was almost clinging to her body like a monkey.

"What the hell were those monsters?" He cried out.

"Those monsters are pups aka kids in human language,"

"Really?" His eyes brightened.

"Not again" Lia groaned internally, she was about to get an earful of his unorthodox theories.

"That is amazing! Perhaps, is there any way you could help me convince them to let me borrow one of them home - they trust you anyway," was his impossible request.

Lia released a smile that didn't reach her cheeks, "Oh, so you mean I should convince them to let you kidnap one of their kids for your experiment?"

Ben laughed it away," That's so ridiculous, of course not!" He met her unsmiling face, "Maybe?"

"Get in the car, we're leaving!" She grabbed his ear and dragged him to the truck.

Any second more and Ben might really kidnap a pup and have his mother track him down to his place and end him in a fit of anger.

"Drive!" She commanded him with no idea that a resilient pup had somehow climbed onto the truck and hid under the tarpaulin as they drove off.

"What did you even do to those young pups?" Asked Lia.

Well, that was a stupid question. Pups didn't need a reason to make someone's life a living hell; all they understood was fun and food.

"Well, while you were having a good time with Daniel-"

" What?!" How did he find out?

"Don't ask me how? Even a blind man can tell from your swollen lips and messy hair" he taunted her.

"I need to stop at your place before heading to mine, my mom can't see me in this disorder,"

"Sure, be my humble guest," he replied to her.

"As I was saying," Ben went on, "I saw a beautiful brown pup- as you said - and I was like 'oh, what a nice dog, want some? And then I placed some pieces of dried meat in my hand which he ate rapidly- by the way, them eating off your hands tickles- and as he ate, so did the second pup join as well and the third and fourth and so on till they were so numerous they almost ate my hand - it's a miracle I'm not missing bits of my hand, they did bite though"

Lia shook her head, this boy was an idiot! How could he think of attracting a werewolf with meat? Hasn't he seen her times without number consume that stuff with a ravenous appetite?

"So when the meat was finished, I dusted my both hands-free to indicate I had nothing left since I couldn't speak wolf language. But then, they began to produce this deep powerful rumble from their throat. The next I knew, I was running and they were chasing. The story ends."

"Never do that again," she warned him sternly, " If I hadn't arrived on time, you would have turned from the giver of the meat to being the meat itself,"

"Oh really? Quick question then" He wasn't even scared of her warning, "If I turn to their food, you know with the bites and all, would those little things be able to turn me into a werewolf?" he even had high expectations asking that. You need salvation Ben, Lia facepalmed.

"Probably" she smiled.

"Really?" His eyes widened.

"Yeah," she nodded, "Probably after we pick up bits and bits of your ripped organs and stick them together with glue," Lia deadpanned

"Oh," Ben's face fell. Why does his luck fail every time? What was so wrong about him, universe?
