Chapter 271 - Two Hundred And Seventy-one: Revelation To Be Told
As soon as they reached their destination, Lia was the first to go up to his place to wash up, while Ben stayed back to check on his car for damages that might have occurred on their way home when he saw a form move beneath the tarpaulin.
At first, he thought it was a rat moving about - a very big rat, it wouldn't hurt to make a stew with it - and had already picked up a large stone when he heard a low growl and common sense told him that wasn't a rat.
"Holy God in heaven!" Ben exclaimed when he pulled off the material only to see a pup sitting in a defensive stance. Looks like someone couldn't get enough of him.
Lo and behold, it was the same brown pup he had initially fed that meat piece. He just gained a new buddy! Oh, tears of joy.
Ben was filled with happiness even though his buddy might be a week or so old baby- who knows? He wasn't exactly listening when Lia stated basic facts about them.
"Alright buddy, hop on before that mean commanding general takes you away from me," he referred to Lia with her authoritative firm intonation when mad.
Surprisingly, the wolf ran into his arms without picking up a fight, making their transition into the house a smooth one.
"By the love of God, you're finally back," the housekeeper, who had been in his life longer than his mother had ever been was in a state of shock mixed with his belief at his appearance. She had been the one in charge of him since he was "exiled" here, becoming almost a mother figure to him in the process.
"Yes, I'm back, does anything seem to be the matter?" He asked, surprised at her apprehensive state.
"Master Ben, I was awaiting your presence before I called the police," she cried.
"Alright," he answered briskly, his attention was focused on the flurry bundle of joy in his arms when he realized what she meant.
"Wait, what? Call the police" His mind returned, "Why would you call the police?"
"We've been robbed!" She announced.
Ben's eyes twitched. Odd, but why did he feel he was the thief being discussed.
The hysterical shopkeeper went on," This strange thief picked all the foodstuffs in the storehouse and even stole some from your experimental garden- you must feel so sad right now," she placed a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. Everyone knew how much he valued those plants.
Ben shifted uncomfortably on his feet. Contrary to her belief, he was feeling so guilty right now.
"I need to tell you something -" he wanted to confess but was interrupted.
"That creepy thief didn't even spare the blankets. All the spares in your room, the maid quarters, the master quarter are all missing. I need to-"
"I'm the creepy thief,"
"Huh?" The woman blanched from shock, "You're the thief? How is it possible to become a thief in your own house?"
"Because I took them?"
"Why didn't you tell me?" She was quite flustered.
"Because you would try to stop me?" She wasn't around when he took everything away. The maids available at that time weren't daring enough to stop him nor did they stop him, their young master had always been a strange one. Hence, no one intervened.
"Of course not, why would I …." She came to a startling realization, "Maybe?"
Ben tipped his head slightly as if trying to say "Told ya,"
"But what happened for you to clear the whole storehouse?" She sternly placed both hands on her hips.
"There was an accident outside the town involving numerous dogs being transported to an animal fair?"
"Dogs drink alcohol?" She listed one of the items he carted away with a skeptical expression.
Ben gulped yet answered, "There were different breeds of dogs- I even saw one eating pepper," he lied through his teeth. If you can't beat them, confuse them.
The housekeeper raised her brow, "And the blankets?"
"Those poor souls were shivering from the stench of the disaster and harsh weather- you know how much I love animals." Was another of his convenient excuses.
"And I'm guessing he's a victim of the incident," she tilted her head in the direction of the pup in his arms.
"Oh," Ben said, "The poor thing lost his parents and was so unstable until he met me. I offered to take care of him for a few days and they let me readily because of my immense contribution,"
"Alright, I'll just go shopping and the whole expenses would be taken from your allowances," she punished him.
"Fine," Ben accepted. That would hardly deplete his pocket anyway.
"Just keep his paws from my kitchen,"
The housekeeper warned him just as Lia walked down into the living room and Ben hid the little wolf, who had been surprisingly quiet, inside his polo shirt from behind - Thank God, he was wearing an oversized one today. Just don't bite, buddy, or meat.
"Whose paws is she keeping off the kitchen?" Lia asked, walking down the stairs that led straight into the wide living room. Ben's house was just sophisticated.
"My paws," Ben answered briskly, keeping his hands behind him to anchor the wolf from falling.
Lia suddenly stopped and sniffed the air, having sensed an odd yet familiar scent.
Ben swallowed a huge lump," Is anything the matter?"
"Did anyone come in here while I was upstairs?" She asked, her nose wrinkling while tracing the scent.
"No, I'm the only odd one here," Answered Ben, uncomfortable with her approaching figure.
She traced the scent to him, smelling him with her brows furrowed," Why is your heart pounding so fast?"
Ben stiffened, "Because you're standing close to me and look so irresistibly sexy wearing my favorite shirt,"
That sentence shocked Lia to the core that she jumped away from him the way someone stung by a bee would.
Lia's mouth hung open with disbelief written all over her face, this was the first time he was boldly flirting with her without being typical Ben.
"I- I'll be leaving," she stumbled with her words, leaving the house in a haze.
"And that worked?" Ben sighed, brought out the pup from beneath his shirt, plonking down on the sofa with him in his arms.
He applied the only method he was sure would stop Lia from searching his body. Only now, she would begin to avoid him thinking he meant what he said….well, maybe, he did mean what he said- a little?? Yeah, good work, Ben.
"Where is Lia?" His housekeeper came out with a glass of juice on a tray - that one survived Ben's smuggling.
"As you see, Lia has returned to where she belongs," Ben ruffled his hair out of annoyance.
"You like that girl, don't you? What's keeping you from chasing her?" She inquired, " Is not like you Ben, you're quite passionate about the things you like,"
"Please don't encourage me or you might find my lifeless body tomorrow" he groaned, remembering Asher's warnings clearly.
"I seriously can't understand you,
You are one strange kid," She shook her head and left with the juice.
Ben turned his attention to the pup, "Hey buddy, you've been a good boy," He brought him to his face, then petted the were-child by giving him a good scratch on the back of his head.
"And for that, you deserve to be rewarded," He dropped the pup on the sofa saying, "Stay right there, I'll be back,"
Ben ordered and went up the stairs leading to his room, he had left some of that dried meat on his study desk. So he picked two, no, four packets and headed downstairs.
However, when Ben reached downstairs, what he saw wasn't what he bargained for.
"Papa" clapped a child who was seated exactly in that spot the pup had been earlier.
Oh boy, what has he done?
Lia was disoriented as she went home, millions of questions swarmed her head. Does Ben really have feelings for her? Was Raphael right about Ben being her human mate or whatever he called it? If he were, what was she going to do? She was having a hard time handling Asher and Daniel already, how would she juggle Ben along too?
"Seriously!" She stomped her feet out of frustration. At this rate, she would go crazy with thoughts.
Lia was still in this flustered state when her mom opened the door. Jenny had sighted her through the window, opening the door on cue.
"Now, young lady," her mom wrapped her arms around her chest intimidatingly, "Care to tell me where you've been since yesterday?"
Lia wondered how much of the memory Devon had erased because, by the look of things, she was in deep shit.
"Can I come in first before I start my narration?" She requested, "It's quite a long better,"
"Better. Why? You're not escaping this one!" Her mother was furious.
But as angry as she was, Lia hoped her mother was mentally strong to receive these revelations.
It was time to spill the beans.