Chapter 272   - Two Hundred And Seventy-two: Leaving Town

Lia went into the living room, her mom following after her with eyes watching her every movement like a hawk.

She was relieved to see that her brother Trevor was back already and safe. Though he looked stressed up which made her wonder what he had been subjected to.

"It seems I had given you kids enough freedom but you abused the privilege. Now tell me what you kids have been up to, beginning with you Lia!" Her mom's stern voice reverberated throughout the whole house.

"I don't know how or where to begin," Lia blurted out.

"What did you say?" Her mom's brow rose, "Are you trying to defy my orders in this house?"

"Of course not," she was brisk to answer, " I'm just saying the truth,"


"Then you better begin from somewhere before you're damned!" She thundered.

This was the first time Lia was seeing her mother this emotional and being super harsh on them. Her patience must have thinned this time. Well, Lia couldn't blame her, she'd have been the same if unexplainable things kept happening around her and her kids seem to be in the middle of it all.

"Alright, here it goes," Lia stood in the middle of the room and took a deep breath while her mom stood with arms crossed against her chest and tapping her foot impatiently. Her siblings sat on the sofa adjacent to her, awaiting their turns to begin their confession.

"Your instinct is right mom, I, no, we, your children have been lying to you but I'm here to speak for myself, the others can disclose theirs later if you're still up for It by the time I'm done," I said to her.

"Go on, " Jenny prompted her.

"I'm not who you think I am mom,"


Jenny's face distorted, " Lia, If you think I'm up for your stupid joke, then you should know -"

" This is not a stupid joke, mom" she cut her off, "I'm not a human as you are but a hybrid- half vampire, half werewolf?- a made hybrid to be precise,"

"You must have really lost your mind"Jenny shook her head in disbelief.

"I can give you proof!"

"What proof? That you're claiming to be a fictional creature and that my daughter is a liar and might be a little crazy in the head? Is that it?"

"Mom, as much as I hate to say this but she's telling the truth" Trevor supported her claim.

Jenny's head whipped in his direction with a sharp glower, "Even you too?"

"Mom is true" Rex joined in the motion.

"And you too?" Jenny threw her hand up," What has come over all of you?"

"I have the evidence, mom. You just have to promise not to be scared of me, I would never hurt you nor any of you," Lia assured her with a persuasive tone.

A feeling of dread washed over Jenny, her heart was pounding in her chest and she had these ominous feelings.

Ever Since she came into this town, strange things keep happening to her. Sometimes, she swore she had stumbled upon something fear-inspiring, and the next, boom! She can't recall a thing no matter how hard she tried to remember. It was almost as if a spell was cast on her, weird.

But the most irritating of all was the fact her children were slowly slipping out of her hand; she no longer had control over them. They now did whatever they wanted - with her permission or not.

Also, there were personality changes in her children's behaviors. Lia seemed more carefree yet reckless while Trevor was sociable than before and might finally work out his sexual orientation and last but not least, Rex, who has become more experienced than his age.

Yes. Rex has always been an inquisitive youngster but lately, there was this mature vibe around him - as if he had seen enough of the world- which did not suit his age at all.

"Fine, I promise not to be scared" Jenny decided, "Let's see this evidence you speak of," she said with a mocking tone.

Jenny stubbornly persisted in her heart that this was going to be another of her daughter's tricks to escape punishment, hence didn't brace herself.

She saw her daughter, Lia close her eyes as if concentrating on something and watched anticipatedly. But when nothing happened for a minute, Jenny had already prepared her rebuking speech when before her very eyes, she saw her daughter's canines elongate into fangs.

"May the Lord forbid!" Jenny jumped, she was scared out of her mind.

"It's me, Mom, don't be scared," Lia gestured to her.

"How is this possible?" Jenny was dumbfounded, "Who did this to you?"

"I was turned by a vampire which is why my eye color is abnormal but you always thought I wear contact lenses and it's quite funny because we've fought a lot over that," explained Lia.

"Oh my God," Jenny gasped, her hands cupping her mouth.

Lia continued," It returns to my normal blue orbs when I'm thirsty for blood,"

Jenny's eyes widened in horror,

"Wait a minute, don't tell me you drink -"

"Vampire blood," Lia filled in briskly, "I drink vampire blood instead of human ones because I'm kind of a werewolf too…" she purposely faltered to let the information sink in her mother's head.

"You're trying to say vampires and werewolves are real?" She had a hard time comprehending that.

"Yeah, but they're not the only creatures in Little Town. There are witches - a lot of them out there actually- then mandurugo- trust me, you don't want to be friends with those- and then there are your kids, Trevor and Rex - the Vampire hunters,"

"What?!" Jenny was bewildered.

Trevor cast Lia a glare, "Great way to go blabbermouth, I was supposed to be the one disclosing that!" He simmered.

"Whether you tell her or do not tell by yourself, it's still the same damn truth that mom has found out already. So you two should stop quibbling like idiots and focus on the task ahead!" Rex scolded them.

"Oww, my head," Jenny moaned and staggered back as if about to faint. Her hand went to the back of her head, what the hell was going on here?

"Mom!" The kids were concerned and tried to help her but Jenny raised her hand, stopping them in their tracks.

"This is your fault!" Trevor blamed his sister, "She wouldn't be in this state if you hadn't revealed my secret,"

"She would have found out eventually, it's better she found out the truth once and for all!" She countered.

"Really?" Trevor mocked, "Then why haven't you told her that you're dating two men - Daniel and Asher to be exact," he divulged earning a shocked gasp from their mother.

"What?" Their mother went pale, "Is that true?"

Lia panicked," Mom, there's a reasonable explanation for -"

"Is that true?!" She roared, veins bulging from her neck with her fists clenched.

"Yes, it is. I'm dating both men," she admitted with her head lowered.

Her mom was taken aback by her confession that she unconsciously took a step back. she shook her head with tears stinging her eyes, "You knew I had high hopes for you and yet you succumbed to this level?" her voice cracked.

Lia was desperate," Mom, you don't understand, just let me exp-"

"I'm so disappointed in you, Lia" was all she said and stormed back upstairs.

Lia turned around to Trevor with rage, "Look what you have done! If you had only let me explain!"?she pushed him hard on the chest.

"Who went ahead spilling people's secrets?!" He sneered, " I just helped out with yours, so stop being a twerp!"

Their eyes met, both spitting fire as they started a staredown until Rex interrupted both by stepping in-between them.

"Alright, both of you knock it out! Seriously, who are the kids here?!" He yelled, putting some god-damned sense into their brain.

The siblings separated but the tension was high with an occasional scowl from both parties.

They stayed in silence for a long time, both contemplating how to go about this issue. As much as they were strong and powerful, they still lived under their mother's roof - technically Dad's - unless they plan to run off from home, her word was the law.

"What's she doing?" Lia was the first to pick up the sounds of bags being pulled down the stairs before her mother came into view.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Her eyes took in the two suitcases in her right hand and a duffel bag in the other.

"We're leaving this town this instant," she announced.

"What?!"?All shouted.

Trevor and Rex sprang up to their feet while Lia walked over to her, the bag on the floor was the barrier between them.

"You can't be serious" Lia was in a state of disbelief.

"This madness started when we came into this town and it would end once we leave," she spat.

"Mom, you don't understand this. I can't leave without Asher and Daniel!"

"Don't you ever say that again!" She barked at her with outrage, "I loved your father with all my heart and yet when he died, I survived without him! So don't you ever say you can't live without a man !"

"This one is different!" Lisa said in an outburst of emotion causing the house to shake and the bulbs to explode with white showers.

Everyone took cover, afraid that the house might collapse but Lia regained control of her emotions on time.

"Oh my God," Lia cried, her hands flying to cup her mouth when she saw blood trail down her mother's ears.

"I'm so sorry," she said and fled.
